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I've tried them all but these spells really do work! 

—A Very Happy Customer, Alisha K., Bozeman, MT

Halloween - All Hallows Eve

SKU 00354
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Halloween - All Hallows Eve
Product Details

Halloween - All Hallows Eve

Hallows Eve Witches Gathering
Thursday, October 31, 2024

This event is the third and final phase of our Autumn Equinox Gathering and takes place at midnight on All Hallows Eve. It is connected in series to our Harvest & Hunter’s Moon spell casting seasonal event.

Halloween spells and rituals are incredibly powerful magical practices. To top it off, October 2 brought us a powerful solar eclipse and new moon in Libra, putting some power induced wind under our witches' brooms this season.

The merging of a solar eclipse on October 2, and new moon will create the illusion of a ring of fire around the moon, which combined, ushers in a transformational alignment and generates some serious cosmic energy for us so you can come out on the other side basically new and improved. During this period, from today until end of October, anything you order can include some of this potency.

All adding to our formulas for petitioning the spirits to grant your requests.

Preparations are indicating that this is going to be one super powered event. Our key, prominent, and select members from USPsychic's Academy of Alchemists & Witches will be vast in number this Halloween to ensure every customer receives undivided attention to every request submitted.

What You Get:
Our Halloween best spell & witchcraft power takes you from dreaming to knowing it's really happening. Realize you did this! You took action and manifested your dreams. That's how powerful you can be. That's how worthy you are of your desires.

Choose Coven Members for any request. Remember, there is power in numbers. If you want big power select all 10 coven members:

  • 1 Spell Request and 1 Coven Member
  • 2 Spell Requests and 2 Coven Members
  • 3 Spell Requests and 3 Coven Members
  • 10 Spell Requests and All Coven Members

All Hallows' Eve spell crafting event only happens once a year! Due to limited availability reservations are required to hold a space and commission the worlds leading spell crafters to cast your spell on Halloween Night! Purchase now to reserve.

Talisman Activator Download
Every purchase comes with a FREE downloadable spell empowerment talisman.

The talisman activator is a specialized binding mechanism designed especially for this event to provide a direct connection to you with the work performed. There is no additional cost. Download it and keep with you to mediate, manifest and focus on daily.

* More Spell Casting Details & Info About This Product: Click Here

* More Options For This Spell Casting:

* Meditation Kits, Spell Energy Candles & Power Talismans. Click Here

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