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I've tried them all but these spells really do work! 

—A Very Happy Customer, Alisha K., Bozeman, MT

After Care

SKU 00101
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After Care
Product Details

After Care is Your Long-Term Protection Shield!

Life events sometimes produce unwanted negativity that can disrupt intended purposes and create blocks to spells that have been cast - either stopping them from performing desired results long enough or producing the opposite effect. These events sometimes accumulate in hidden areas of your aura and dangerously fester into spiritual warfare with some extreme warning signs often associated with agitation, aggression & anxiety.

After Care is a Long-Term Protection Shield meant for peace of mind ensuring obstacles and negativity stay removed and cancel out new occurrences from evolving.

Much like pesky oven residue that continues building up requiring good intentions to clean it something else more important generally arises. Before you know it an easy job turns into wasting an entire Saturday morning trying to remove impossible stains. Spiritual residue, is much the same, it's sticky and doesn't come off easy! You have to maintain it regularly and the more often you do the easier it gets each time.

After Care not only shields you, it does the maintenance for you regularly. After Care allows you to stay focused more on your goal and less on trivial matters.

After Care Specialties

  • Shield Monitor - Continually block all obstacles, negativity and any occurrences that may interfere with keeping your spells dedicated to producing your desired results for the long-term.
  • Crystal Mastery - A spiritual cleansing and healing process from negative influences and spiritual warfare residue you've carried for so long.
  • Calming Treatment - Grounding modification re-adjusting your vibration to produce clarity of your intended direction and ease encounters from daily obstacles.
  • Prayer Circle - Our Prayer Group teams up during each After Care session to provide extra reinforcement to petition and seal your requests to Divine Spirits.
  • Spell Boost - Adds a powerful kick to already cast spell work which rejuvenates and strengthens the spell automatically at periodic intervals shown below.

After Care Durations

After Care will engage at certain times during a 30 day period. Four durations are provided for you to choose from:

  • Level 1
    Two, 30-minute sessions that take place during a 30-day period. A standard spell boost is included once for a 30-day period.
  • Level 2
    Four, 30-minute sessions that take place during a 60-day period. Standard spell boost is included one each month for a 60-day period.
  • Level 3
    Eight, 30-minute sessions that take place during a 20-day period. Intermediate spell boost is included one each month for a 120-day period.
  • Level 4
    Twelve, 30-Minute Sessions that take place during a 180-Day period. Ultra spell boost is included one each month for a 180-day period.

Dedicated After Care Specialist

After Care service comes with one dedicated specialist to handle your needs throughout the duration of the level you choose.

Your dedicated specialist is: Emily Brach
See Emily's details on her page: Click Here

Add Team Members

For complex and very stubborn problems you can add any or all team members to build an army of spell casters for your case. There is definitely power in numbers! And when you build your army you can rest assure that your battle will find victory.

The importance of choosing the right team for your case has extreme advantages. Each team specializes in certain styles of age-old ritualistic spell castings and each team holds special events throughout the year that are rich in ceremony conjuring benevolent powers from beyond making the occasion available to you. Many of these special events happen once a year and not everyone gets their chance. When you choose any of these team members you are automatically included and top-listed for their special events.

Team Member Abilities & Special Events

  1. Tribal Moon Goddess Coven - Specializes in Full moon castings. You will be included in all full moon castings for 1-year.
  2. Vampirena - Unstoppable Burning Fierce Action is what Vampirena is all about. Love's bite or a lucky hand. Vampirena is aggressive at getting her way for what you want.
  3. Vodouisant Miruts - Our highly awarded Master of Hex Removal & Vengeance Awakening. Miruts skills contain age-old techniques masterfully crafted for you anytime throughout the year.
  4. Academy of Alchemists & Witches - All Hallows Eve, our biggest event of every year! Our top level spell crafters come together and build an super force to empower your wishes.
  5. Wiccans of The North Realm - Defeating attacks from malicious intent and karmic events to make way for enriching your aura and sewing the seeds of success.

Send Pictures & Info

Providing details about your circumstance is a very helpful way to speed up the process and assist your dedicated After Care specialist in narrowing down what is needed to get your results quicker.

All photo's, info and images are strictly confidential and for the exclusive use of authorized parties only. Your information will not be distributed, quoted or reproduced, sold or borrowed in whole or in part.

Birth Time & Date

Sending your time and date of birth along with anyone else involved in your case is important to the spell caster so that astrological elements can be specifically developed for you. However, if you don’t have or can’t get those details just submit as many details as you can about the other person(s) and your spell caster will take care of the rest.

Quantity Explained

Quantity for this item should always be left at 1

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